2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria Ogrodnictwo 41: 269-273

Monika Bieniasz, Monika Małodobry, Włodzimierz Lech

Ocena plonowania i jakości owoców
dziewięciu odmian truskawki

Z Katedry Sadownictwa i Pszczelnictwa
Akademii Rolniczej im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Abstract. In the years 2005-2006 the biggest total marketable yield was obtained for ‘Luna’ and ‘Salut’ cultivars. The big mass of first assortment fruit was found for ‘Luna’ and ‘Vikat’. Fruit of ‘Tarda ‘Salut’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars had high flesh firmness. ‘Tarda’, ‘Luna’ and ‘Zanta’ cultivars scored the most points during shelf-life testing.

Key words: strawberry, yield, fruit weight, flesh firmness, shelf-life testing


The estimation of yielding and fruit quality
of nine strawberry cultivars


Nine strawberry cultivars were estimated regarding the quantity and the quality of fruit yield in the years 2005-2006. Higher marketable yields were found for ‘Luna’ and ‘Salut’ cultivars. Big fruit mass of first assortment was estimated for ‘Luna’ and ‘Vikat’ cultivars. Mass of 100 fruit was higher for all the investigated cultivars in the year 2005. Fruit mass of ‘Senga Sengana’ cultivar was the lowest in both years of studies. Fruit flesh firmness of ‘Salut’, ‘Tarda’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars was big in the two years of investigation. Cultivars ‘Tarda’, ‘Polka’ and ‘Vikat’ were estimated at the highest level according to the applied temperature and time of fruit storage.